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Hey, Hi, HellO,
Welcome to my world of all the things we have in common!
I enjoy spending my time doing all the things, all the time!
I wanted to create a space where we could discover cool things about life together. I learn a lot about myself through the trivial things of my day-to-day and I'm sure you can relate. Whether that be screwing up on a recipe that I just KNEW was going to come out looking like a Pinterest picture, or randomly finding a really good thrift store and finding all the bargains. We'll explore it all together. I thought it would be cool to give us a place to meet up and realize "omg ME TOO!"
If you're anything like me you love all things food, writing, travel, bargains, DIY, and girlfriends! I love girl time. I know you'll be able to find something here to enjoy. After all, we all have so much more in common than we realize!
Thanks for hanging!
-xoxo, Lily <3

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